2015 Vegas Precision Rifle Challenge After Action Review

We had the following objectives in mind while covering the match:
- Recognize the match directors, volunteers and sponsors who made this match possible. We heard nothing but praise for the overall organization of the match and the professionalism of the officials.
- For shooters who attended the match, we want to give them additional insights and perspectives. It’s always useful to review a match and see what some of the other shooters were doing.
- For those who didn’t attend the match, we want to give them the next best thing. The footage and analysis will allow them to make a more informed decision should they wish to attend the match next year.
- We want to get people excited about long range precision shooting. If somebody watches our coverage and decides to get into the sport, our mission has been accomplished. Even if bystanders come away with a better understanding that is beneficial too.
- The coverage can be leveraged by other match directors as they formulate their matches – something that benefits the PRS community as a whole.

We rank each stage on a difficulty scale
Our coverage includes a statistical analysis where we track the performance of the top twenty shooters across the 19 stages of the match. Each stage is also evaluated for level of difficulty relative to the other stages. 75% of possible points scored is considered an easy stage while an extreme stage would see less than 35% of possible points scored.
We also provide commentary concerning the conditions and other interesting aspects of each stage, as well as differences between each day of the match. The viewer will enjoy the video coverage of many of the shooters as they engage targets across stages. Seeing the techniques employed by many top PRS shooters is truly informative.
The link below contains the detailed course of fire for each stage as well as information about the sponsors:
Below are time marks for major segments in this episode:
1:58 Overall Match Results
3:30 Beginning of Day 1
6:14 Overview of Stages 1-9 on the CATM Range
32:54 Beginning of Day 2 and Mid Match Zero Stage
35:38 Interview with Beau Jaramillo
41:11 Overview of Stages 1-10 on the Nellis Range
1:05:45 Match wrap up, winners, prizes, sponsors