A Visit with Northwest Precision Customs

Take the founding of NW Precision Customs. It came about when Doug wanted some gunsmithing work done and his soon to be partner Earl Wier asked if he wanted any Cerakote. Doug said he did his own Cerakote and Earl took notice because he hated doing the work – he enjoyed gunsmithing. Doug not only Cerakotes but he loves it! The synergies were obvious and the two went into business together.
The story doesn’t end with the founding of NW Precision Customs. Doug noticed how shooters would switch between bipods with spiked feet and rubber feet to accommodate various conditions. Why couldn’t somebody make a set of removable spikes allowing shooters to switch between spikes and the original rubber feet? Why does somebody have to shell out the money for an extra bipod? Furthermore, why should somebody have to purchase a dedicated set of shooting sticks? If you can remove the feet from a bipod, why not connect some leg extensions to serve the function of shooting sticks?
In looking to address these challenges it doesn’t hurt to have a good friend who owns a machine shop with some of the latest CNC machinery. Doug worked with Greg Thomas of GT Machine to produce the first batch of Harris Bipod accessory kits and they are currently available for sale. The efficient nature of CNC machining will allow Doug to lower the price over subsequent production runs. While there are a number of spiked feet kits available for the Harris bipod, we have yet to see anything as modular as the NW Precision Customs offering.
Does the story end here? Nope. Doug is also developing what could become one of the premier steel target ranges in the region – the Rock Lake Rifle Range. This is the facility featured in our Winter FTX Video. Located on his family’s farm outside of Spokane, it boasts steel targets going out to 1,200 yards. It will also be the sight of the 2015 JC Steel Target Challenge. You can contact Doug at redkorn1971@gmail.com regarding use of the range.
You can watch the video below to learn more about Doug and his journey. He also gives a number of technical tips regarding the installation and use of his Harris Bipod kit.
Information links discussed in this article:
NW Precision Customs Website: http://www.nwprecisioncustoms.com
NW Precision Customs Harris BiPod Accessory Kit: http://rlrr.mycustomevent.com/Shoppin…
Doug Glorfield Email: redkorn1971@gmail.com