Gear Update – Insite Arms, “Heathen” Muzzle Brake

In this gear update we take a closer look at the Insite Arms “Heathen” Muzzle Brakes which they both have been running on extended evaluation over the past year. We explain some of the features that make this a great brake design to run on any match rifle.
You can learn more about the Heathen here.
Editor: Ed Mobley (
Copyright 6.5 Guys LLC
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$225 for a muzzle brake?!? The “tactical” prices are getting out of control for accessories (not that these guys are alone, I’m thinking about $400+ bipods, $100 magazines). As great a brake as it might be you can actually buy full guns with some form of cheesy “3 short 1MOA guarantee” for barely more than that these days.
I’m glad you guys like it, but at ~20% of my entire ruger precision rifle, i’ll stick with the factory brake and see how high I can climb against the open guys with my production class equipment.
Hi Gentlemen, informative as always! Have you researched any other brakes? I am new to shooting. I bought a 6.5 Caliber rifle on the strength of your reviews you two gave the round. My budget is thread bare. But I still need a scope, Bipod, sand bag, Muzzle brake, rifle bad and one other thing… oh yeah AMMO! I am trying to keep my budget under a thousand dollars. So if you have reviewed any other of the above items, please show me the way.
Thank you,
Hi – Most of our experience is with the Insight Arms and APA brakes. Soon we’re going to receive one of David Tubb’s brakes. There really isn’t much of a price difference among brakes, so it’s best to go with one that is demonstrably effective in this sport. You definitely don’t want a brake that will direct muzzle blast in a 360 degree radius as it will kick up all sorts of dirt and dust.