Gear Update – Vudoo Gun Works V-22 Rimfire Repeater

Frequent practice, particularly with live fire rounds through your match rifle is the standard prescription for preparing to do well in your next PRS or NRL match. However the cost of shooting thousands of rounds of ammo and the inevitable wear on a precision rifle barrel can become cost prohibitive to many shooters who are serious about getting plenty of trigger time. In this Gear Update the 6.5 Guys take a look at the Vudoo Gun Works V-22 rimfire repeater which Ed recently purchased. The barreled action has the same footprint as a Remington 700 so it is compatible with a wide variety of chassis, triggers, and rifle accessories and allow the user to have the same ergonomics as their match rifle to easily develop muscle memory. Additional magazines for this rifle system are available from Vudoo Gun Works for $39.95 (as of September 2018). They also sell many other products and accessories through its website. For more information about this product go to