Gear Update – Wiebad DRC Fortune Cookie Bag

In this gear update the 6.5 Guys take a closer look at the Wiebad DRC Fortune Cookie Bag. This Wiebad Dissected Range Cube(DRC) – AKA – Fortune Cookie is a multi-purpose bag. The Fortune Cookie works great as both a rear and front bag. Developed to meet the increasing demands of PRS style obstacles, its use provides stability and more accurate shot placement as a result of creating a solid shooting platform on the most demanding obstacles. Maximum stability being the goal this is a heavy weight bag at 5lb 9oz. The Dimensions are 8x8x6. You can fine more information from the manufacturer’s website by performing a Google search for “Wiebad Fortune Cookie”
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I have one of these bags and it is great to use on the bench, in the prone or on a barrier. The bag conforms to anything you place it on and wraps around the butt stock of a precision rifle in the prone creating a stable shooting platform. The durable material and construction of this shooting bag will ensure it lasts for a long time.