Reloading Press Accessories from Inline Fabrication

High volume shooters often find themselves in front of their reloading presses in order to keep their shelves stocked with enough ammunition to feed their hungry firearms. The 6.5 Guys are no exception. However, reloading sessions shouldn’t be an uncomfortable task carried out in a disorganized environment…..reloading should be enjoyable. To help with this is InLine Fabrication, a company based in the Pacific Northwest that specializes in designing and manufacturing precision, quality accessories for the reloading community. They offer a broad array of innovative products featuring innovative engineering, excellent quality, and all their products are manufactured in the USA.
In this article the 6.5 Guys provide a brief overview of a small sample of InLine Frabrication’s product line that complement their reloading presses and practices. They have products for just about every press.
Ed’s selection for those using a Dillon 550
“Skylight” LED lighting Kit – Not only great option for the press, but a handy flashlight for the entire reloading bench.
Bin Barriers – his is the product recommended by a viewer that originally introduced the 6.5 Guys to Inline Fabrication. A low cost product providing incredible utility. These fit standard Akro Bins so they are useful whether you reload or not.
Ultramount Press Riser – Also a great option to make your press more portable – simply ballast it with a couple of bags of shot.
Wall Mount Organization System – Featuring the following items:
Bin Holder (not listed on web site but available)
Steve’s selection for those using a Hornaday Lock-N-Load
Bin Barriers – The same Bin Barriers work for either Dillon or Hornady presses.
Ultramount Press Riser – Also a great option to make your press more portable – simply ballast it with a couple of bags of shot.
Wall Mount Organization System – Featuring the following items:
Bin Holder (not listed on web site but available)
Hornady LNL AP Storage Center – These will also hold a couple of primer tubes so you only need the primer tube rack if you want to store additional primer tubes from you RCBS priming tool, etc.
ERGO roller lever for the Hornady LNL AP
For more information visit the website at:
Editor: Ed Mobley (