The 6.5 Guys Meet Gavin Gear of Ultimate Reloader

This Friday we had the pleasure of meeting with Gavin Gear of over breakfast. We really want to thank Paul McMenamin of Accurate Shooter who facilitated the introduction. It’s pretty exciting to find somebody with Gavin’s expertise and experience in our back yard. We can’t wait to start hanging out and collaborating on projects.
Gavin (L), Steve (C), Ed (R)

Gavin (L), Steve (C), Ed (R)

We get a lot of questions from folks who are looking for comprehensive reviews, tutorials, etc. about reloading. Gavin is the Go-To guy for anything related to reloading. Check out his website (

For example, if you are contemplating purchasing a piece of reloading equipment, you can see it in action. Here’s a good example of his work with the Dillon 650. Wish you could watch somebody set up your newly purchased piece of equipment? Gavin has you covered. Seriously, Gavin’s site is awesome!

Ed (L), Gavin (R)

Gavin and Ed also discovered they are fellow car nuts. Not only that, but Gavin (like Ed) believes the 1960 Cadillac is the most elegant of the big-finned cars. Here they are in front of Ed’s 1960 Cadillac.

Latest Comments
  1. Big Z

    Sweet ride, Ed!
    What’s it’s B.C.?

    • 65guys

      I can’t vouch for the BC, but back in the day they claimed the fins helped the car drive straighter – like quivers on an arrow. Also, seat belts were optional and asking for them indicated you were a bad driver. If you were a good driver, you could avoid an accident and wouldn’t need seat belts.

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