Weekly Gear Update – Ear Dynamics

Hearing protection is required gear for shooting. You only have one set of ears and hearing loss is progressive, meaning as your hearing deteriorates over time due to age and exposure to loud noise it is gone forever and not recoverable. So you need to protect what you have left. There are many options and price points with numerous vendors and extensive array of products such as disposable plugs that run a few cents to cutting edge digital electronic custom ear plugs that run into the thousands of dollars. One of the leading hearing protection providers is Ear Inc.
Ear Dynamics is a Mobile Hearing Protection and Enhancement Company based in Park City, Utah. They design and build Hearing Protection and Enhancement products for just about any application imaginable and an authorized distributor of the full line of Ear Inc. products. Check out there website and contact Jay Henry with your questions or get the best hearing protection available.
For more information check out the website: www.eardynamics–ut.com/