Weekly Gear Update – Reasor Gamechanger Bag

In this gear update the 6.5 Guys review and discuss the Reasor Gamechanger Bag which they both recently started using. This support bag is unique among others commonly used in that it was intentionally designed for use on barricades and other unsupported positions such as fence rails, car doors, ladders, windows, and any substrate with a width of 1/4″ to 4″. Reasor Precision Solutions utilized its experience in precision rifle and engineering ingenuity to create more surface area to grip the support and give shooters up to 10″ of steady, lineal contact with their rifle. This bag allows shooters to make those minute adjustments and apply the fundamentals of marksmanship to hit small targets at long distances.
For more information about this bag go the website at: reasorprecisionsolutions.com/
Editor: Ed Mobley (ed@65guys.com)